The desire for a fresh and natural look is widespread. One way to combat the signs of aging on the face is the so-called facelift. It is important to adapt the procedure to your wishes and personal requirements. We attach great importance to a natural-looking result. In a personal consultation with our specialists, we discuss your individual needs and the optimal treatment plan for you. The scope of a facelift can range from a forehead lift to a so-called full facelift.



The desire for a fresh and natural look is widespread. One way to combat the signs of aging on the face is the so-called facelift. It is important to adapt the procedure to your wishes and personal requirements. We attach great importance to a natural-looking result. In a personal consultation with our specialists, we discuss your individual needs and the optimal treatment plan for you. The scope of a facelift can range from a forehead lift to a so-called full facelift.

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During the consultation with our specialists, we analyze your facial details and proportions and discuss the individual procedure with you. Here we take your wishes and ideas into account.

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from CHF 8,500.00 (forehead lift)
Depending on the initial situation and the desired result, the facelift is planned individually so that there is no "standard price" at artis.

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approx. 2 - 3 weeks

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approx. 3 - 4 hours

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Removal of the stitches after about 2 weeks

Questions and answers

It is not possible to give a specific number of "years of rejuvenation". The aim of a Facelfit is to achieve a significantly fresher, more vital and healthier appearance without the result looking "operated on".
The results of a facelift usually last between 10 and 15 years. Various factors play a role here, which can influence the duration and sustainability. Lifestyle, diet, weight fluctuations and sun exposure may have a negative effect on the result.
Yes, a facelift can be repeated without any problems if the anatomical conditions and individual health allow it.
The fundamental aim of a facelift is to preserve your facial expressions and achieve a natural, non-operated result. As a result, you will appear refreshed, fresh and significantly younger looking.
There are various approaches and surgical methods. Essentially, the methods differ primarily in terms of technique and the tissue layer and depth of tissue operated on. In each method, the operation involves a combination of tissue tightening and removal of excess skin.
Thanks to our many years of expertise and holistic approach, we are THE experts in the field of facelift surgery. We almost always supplement the actual facelift with other combination procedures such as liposuction on the neck and the transplantation of autologous fat to areas of the face where volume has been lost as part of the ageing process. It is important to us that all components of the ageing process are analyzed and treated in order to guarantee you the best possible result. In most cases, a combination of face and neck lifting is also performed.
Before the operation, our specialists will discuss all the details and your individual circumstances with you in a consultation. Together with our experts, the best technique for your procedure will be determined and defined. You will also be informed about possible risks and the necessary preparations for the operation. Make a note of any questions you would like to discuss with us before the consultation.
After the operation, we have designed a detailed treatment plan for you, which should contribute to a speedy recovery and a perfect result. The follow-up treatment consists of wound checks, lymphatic drainage and gentle massages. During the recovery period, you will be in continuous and personal contact with your surgeon.
A facelift is a demanding procedure that should only be performed by experienced surgeons. Despite extensive experience and expertise, complications are possible, but can be reduced to a minimum with well-trained and experienced surgeons.
One of the most serious possible consequences is the permanent impairment of facial sensation and facial expressions due to muscle paralysis. This happens when a mostly inexperienced surgeon injures important nerves when dissecting the connective tissue.
With every operation, including a facelift, anesthesia-related complications, infections and/or allergies are possible. Hematomas often occur immediately after the operation. One of the most feared complications is acute post-operative bleeding, which must be treated immediately. Temporary consequences of the operation such as: a feeling of tension and numbness, swelling, etc. are normal and subside completely within a few days to weeks. Depending on the incision and the sensitivity of the scalp, hair growth may be permanently impaired.
As a rule, with a few exceptions, a facelift is not considered before the age of 50. The following points are good indicators for assessing whether a facelift can be considered:

- The skin on the face and neck hangs and wrinkles 
- The cheekbones are clearly visible and "sagging cheeks" have formed
- Excess fatty tissue has formed on the chin and neck
- The muscle cords on the neck are clearly visible
- Excess skin and bags under the eyelids are visible in the eye area and the skin is dark and wrinkled
- The mouth area is wrinkled, the skin is sagging and the nasolabial and marionette lines are clearly pronounced

In principle, a facelift can be repeated as often as the conditions of the face allow and the expected result still looks natural.
A distinction is made as to whether partial areas such as the forehead, the brows, the midface or a combination of these are operated on. At artis, we always prefer a combination and a holistic approach. The maximum variant includes liposuction of the chin and neck, tightening of the face and neck and transplantation of autologous fat to restore the lost volume. If necessary, we combine the operation with eyelid lifts, brow lifts and/or forehead lifts.
Your ability to socialize depends not only on the visible consequences of the operation, but also on how open you wish to be with those around you about the operation. After approx. 2 weeks, the healing process will have progressed to such an extent that it will no longer be obvious to others that you have undergone a facelift.
Depending on the surgical method, we remove the first stitches after 5 - 7 days. All stitches are removed after 2 weeks at the latest.
As a rule, you will be able to resume your usual sleeping position after 3 - 4 weeks.
Our facelift is also characterized by the fact that we give top priority to the planning of the incision and the positioning of the scars. What would a perfect facelift be with scars that are immediately recognizable? The positioning of the scars is customized and is based on your skin folds, hairline, etc. The incisions are made in such a way that the scars are no longer visible after healing. For us, the aftercare of the scars is just as important a step towards the final result as the operation itself. We offer you the option of using other procedures (such as Moerpheus8, PRP injections, etc.) to achieve optimal scar formation.
Showering is permitted again immediately after the operation. However, you must be very careful when washing your hair for the first 14 days. We recommend that you have your hair washed by a hairdresser for the first 2 weeks and inform them about the operation and the necessary caution.
After 4-6 weeks, the wounds have usually healed to such an extent that you can go back to the solarium or sunbathe. However, it is essential that you use sun protection with a high sun protection factor (min. 50).


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